District Conference 2018 Update
Hospitality with a Twist

One of the most popular aspects of district conference is the Hospitality Suite. A true Rotary tradition, much of the fellowship and magic of a district conference takes place in the Hospitality Suite where people gather to sample food and beverages in a friendly and festive environment.

Sandestin affords an ideal setup for Hospitality Suites where a block of rooms can be assembled all in one general location in the Grand Sandestin. For this year, we currently have nine rooms reserved on the third floor of the Grand Sandestin for club Hospitality Suite use. Clubs that would like to reserve a suite should indicate their interest to Hospitality Suite Co-chairs, Elwyn Gaissert (egaissert2@comcast.net) or Jeanette Jezerinac-Prince (jeannette@mettest.net) by October 31st to help the Conference Committee with planning and coordination. Clubs may host a suite alone or even share a suite with other clubs. Either way, the total number of paid registrations by Thursday, March 15th, will be used to determine Hospitality Suite assignments.

Clubs can expect to pay $200/night for one-bedroom units or $286/night for two-bedroom units, plus fees and taxes. After room assignments are made in March, a Hospitality Suite Protocol will be issued for club review and distribution.

And here’s the twist… This year a new district-wide Hospitality Suite will be introduced called the Friendship Lounge. Located in the same area with club Hospitality Suites, the Friendship Lounge will be a place for all conference attendees, especially those that don’t have a Hospitality Suite home, to gather and celebrate. Clubs that would like to participate in hosting the Friendship Lounge will have the option do so for as little as $250. If your club in interested in learning more, contact Friendship Lounge Chair, Kay Williamson (kay_williamson@bellsouth.net).

Registration is now open! Visit http://bit.ly/RotaconRegistration to register for Rotacon 2018, book your room in one of the OFFICIAL conference lodging locations, and learn more.

Posted by Ryan Clements
October 3, 2017


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