Give Yourself the Gift of RLI

Congratulations to all the clubs who have new Rotarians in leadership positions! It is an exciting time as well as a bit overwhelming. Rotary Leadership Institute can help you plan for your year as well as educate new members into the world of Rotary.

At RLI, we teach LEADERS about ROTARY. As Rotarians, you are all leaders, some in your community, some in your profession, and some in life in general…

At RLI, our purpose is to give you the necessary tools and skills to be better Rotarians. As in every endeavor, the more you know about anything, the more interesting it becomes. Rotary is most assuredly one of those areas that the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. RLI can make that possible for you. Graduates of RLI are more likely to remain in, and be a bigger part of Rotary, than any other demographic.

Plans are being made now for future RLI sessions. We are working to have a Fall 2017 session in the Sandy Springs area and a Winter 2018 session in the Thomasville area on January 20, 2018. Please keep checking the district website and the RLI website at www.rlitraining.org for the latest RLI sessions in District 6900, 6910 and 6920.

Posted by Elwyn Gaissert, II
July 5, 2017


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