District Newsletter 2017-18
Get Ready to Share Your Stories

I am excited to be serving again this year as your District Newsletter Editor. The newsletter has a new look this year - we are integrating the stories into the district website blog and will be publishing a short summary of all the month's news that should make it easier to get a quick sense of what's going on around District 6900. And, if you want more information, you'll just need to click the [more] link to go to the full story. You will also notice a Manage Email Preferences / Unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you would prefer not to get the district newsletter each month, you can use that link to opt out.

We plan to share information from our District team about:

  • The Rotary Foundation (including project grant and scholarship opportunities and a progress report on our fundraising and polio eradication initiatives)
  • Our youth initiatives, including GRSP, Rotaract and Interact, RYLA, and our district's first year as part of Rotary Youth Exchange
  • Building our pubic image
  • Membership

We also want to share your stories - what your clubs and individual Rotarians are doing to make a difference in the world. Send your articles (a few paragraphs) and a picture or two to me at cuthbert@mindspring.com. No formatting required - you can send me a Word document or type your story straight into your email. No PDFs please! Photos should be jpeg images.

Our schedule is straightforward - articles are due by the 25th of each month and we will publish the newsletter as close to the 5th of the month as possible - so articles are due July 25 for the August newsletter. Two exceptions: Our December deadline will be Tuesday, November 28 (after Thanksgiving) and our January deadline will be Friday, December 29.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 5, 2017


This Year’s Posts: