Happy New Year from The Rotary Foundation!

On the Friday before RI Convention, the three Georgia Rotary Districts (6900, 6910 and 6920) hosted a Million Dollar Dinner for The Rotary Foundation and presented RI President John Germ with a check for more than $3,000,000 from Georgia Rotarians

On the Friday before RI Convention, the three Georgia Rotary Districts (6900, 6910 and 6920) hosted a Million Dollar Dinner for The Rotary Foundation and presented RI President John Germ with a check for more than $3,000,000 from Georgia Rotarians

Happy Rotary

New Year! Everything starts new on July 1 in the Rotary world – new Governor,

new Club Presidents and new projects. Well, not everything is new…the

Foundation team members have multi-year assignments and are still hard at work.

So let me catch you up on who is doing what this year for The Rotary Foundation

in our district:

District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC)PDG Margie Kersey, Stone Mountain
D6900 Grants Chair Anne Glenn, Dunwoody
Global Grants ChairAnne Glenn again!
District Grants ChairMary Ligon, Dougherty County
Global Scholars ChairKathy Brandt, Dunwoody
Peace Fellows ChairLaura Kann, Dunwoody
Fundraising ChairDGN Jim Squire, Sandy Springs
Stewardship ChairPDG Fran Milberg, Thomasvile
Foundation TreasurerWill MacArthur, Sandy Springs
100% Paul Harris Club ChairGerry Bilbro, Griffin Daybreak

Of course, all of these folks have teams working with them as well – don’t be shy about calling for a speaker, a question or just plain help.

The District Grants have been completed and submitted to The Rotary Foundation. As of July 3, we are still awaiting approval. As soon as that happens, Treasurer Will (who has your grant check already completed) will drop your money in the mail. When that happens, you can begin your project. Remember, this year, your receipts must be scanned into the D6900 website to document how your grant money was spent! Questions? Contact Mary Ligon.

We have another big change this year that I hope you will like – online Global Grant Qualification. Every year, any club that wants to do a Global Grant must get qualified. That means you participate in grant training and we report it to The Rotary Foundation. Instead of holding a Foundation Seminar in August, the training is online at rotary6900.orgSimply click the Resource tab, scroll down and click Global Grants. There is a lot of information there, and the qualification information is in a box on the right hand side. The process is simple, watch all 4 videos, read the documentation resources and take the quiz. You can only take the quiz once every 24 hours, so read carefully. Once you pass the quiz, you are qualified to serve on your club’s global grant committee! Big thanks to Governor Alec for the computer support to make this possible. Questions? Give Margie Kersey or Anne Glenn a call.

We won’t be holding a Million Dollar Dinner this year (whew!), but we will be holding two Foundation events – one in October for Polio and one in February for Major Donors. Keep an eye out for more information.

We are still trying to become a 100% Paul Harris Fellow club district and we are very close. As of July 1 there are only TEN clubs that have not achieved this once in a lifetime goal (remember – you can only earn this banner once). If you would like some advice or help in reaching this recognition, please contact Gerry Bilbro. He has some great ideas for helping you go the distance.

Now is the time to ask for Foundation speakers – especially if you want someone to speak in November. If you want a speaker, please contact Margie Kersey and let her know who you would like to visit your club. We have a lot of great folks and they would be delighted to share the good works of the Foundation with your club.

The Foundation is 101 years old this year. This is the first year of a new century of Doing Good in the World. It is a great time to make Foundation giving and grants a vital part of your club!

Posted by Margie Kersey
July 5, 2017


This Year’s Posts: