From the District Governor
Enjoy a Spin Around Your Rotary Race Track

East Cobb Club President Anne Marie with DG Court - ready for the Winner's Circle!

East Cobb Club President Anne Marie with DG Court - ready for the Winner's Circle!

Our Rotary year 2018-2019 started back in Feb 2018 with PETS President Elect Training. We formed the idea and strategic plan for running a Race Team/Rotary Club with our club Presidents and Club members. To “Win” at anything you first need to be prepared. Our PETS training for our Club Presidents/Crew Chiefs was the start of the preparation. In March 2018 we prepared our Boards of Directors and Club members at District Assembly/Pit Crew Training - giving each an opportunity to learn more about their specific area of focus, Foundation, Public Image, etc. In April 2018 you took all this information back to your clubs and started to “Build Your Race Car/Team” for your Rotary Club.

Just like in a true Race Team/Season, you have your plan, your vision of how the Season/Rotary Year will work out. But in May 2018 it was time to take another look, make some adjustments, do some finetuning to your Rotary Race Car and your team to better prepare for July - the “Start of the Race”, your Rotary year, and the Rotary Cup Challenge!!

June 2018 was full of Excitement as you put your untested Rotary Race Car and team on the track for a “Test Day” to see how everyone works together to “Be the Inspiration” for 2018-2019. And finally, in July 2018, you got the “Green Flag” this is the beginning of your Rotary Racing Season and the start of your new year! As they say in racing “Ladies and Gentlemen, start your Engines” and HAVE FUN !!

August 2018 is the time for your Rotary Race Team first “Pit Stop” - be sure to fill your member's fuel tank with Fun and memories. This is Rotary membership month. With new members comes new ideas, more hands on deck to get community projects completed. It is time to review your membership roster and look at areas of vocation and community leadership that your club might be missing. Public safety officers, local government leaders, school and church leaders. Don’t forget new and young business owners and medical professionals in your area. What are you missing in your club? This month’s “Rotarian” magazine has a great ten-point list of ideas that every club in our district can use to gain additional members.

I am so excited to get to visit your club this summer and fall, meet all your members, see your service projects and help you in any way .

Please follow my travels on Facebook at “Court Dowis”... and remember, “Have Fun and They will come!”

Yours in Rotary,

DG Court Dowis

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
August 9, 2018


This Year’s Posts: