Rotary Legislation
Helping Shape Rotary's Future

Council of Resolutions 2018 Complete

First allow me to thank everyone who took the time to provide feedback on the proposed Resolutions this year, especially those who included their rationale! Knowing why you think the way you do made a big difference as I reviewed and studied the Resolutions. I also want to thank the Rotarians I called on to educate me on 18R-49, your information and explanations were invaluable. Voting is complete on this year’s resolutions and you can see the results using this link: https://my.rotary.org/en/cor/vote

Remember, resolutions are ideas that Rotarians want considered by the RI Board of Directors. It doesn’t mean they will absolutely be adopted. It only means the Board will review and consider these ideas and determine whether they can be implemented and are consistent with the director we are all moving.

If your club would like to submit a Resolution, the deadline for the next cycle is June 30 2019. Find all of the information and directions for submitting your resolution at Rotary.org / Learning & Reference / Councils on Legislation & Resolutions.

Council on Legislation Proposals Available Now

Every three years a representative from every district in the world comes to Chicago for a full week of voting on proposed changes to the governing documents for Rotary International. This year there are 116 enactments proposed. Please take the time to review the enactments and provide your feedback to me (including why you believe as you do). Here is the link for you to see all of the enactments: https://my.rotary.org/en/document/proposed-legisla...

Email your feedback to margie@callkbs.com

I will give an after-action report at this year’s District Conference in San Destin covering the most exciting changes and how they could impact you and your club. Be there!

Posted by Margie Kersey
December 6, 2018


This Year’s Posts: