From the District Governor
Carry the Fun and Energy of District Conference Through the Rest of This Rotary Year (and Beyond)

We promised you FUN at the District Conference in Sandestin - and I hope you had as much fun as Annette and I did. WOW! Thanks to our District Conference Committee, led by Kay Williamson and PDG Bill Woulfin, for making sure we had a great time together! If you weren't there, think about joining DGE Jim Squire and your fellow Rotarians from April 30-May 3, 2020 at Jekyll Island. You can register now, with special pricing that lasts until May 18. There's a special tab on the District website home page.

One of the most fun of the weekend events was Thursday night's Big Wheels race. Many clubs participated - some teams (like the brides) were in costume. The Rotary Club of Roswell (with many teams participating) took first place, sharing the podium with LaGrange and Johns Creek North Fulton. The GRSP team gave the Rotarians a run for their money and they will be receiving their own set of trophies. And, we had a great dinner for those who signed up to root their teams on to victory and get the party started!

There were many opportunities for fellowship, inspiration and fun! Clubs shared what they've been doing this year in our Pit Crew Lounge (aka House of Friendship). On Friday night, we saluted America and our veterans - the colors were posted by an honor guard of Rotarian veterans and we were inspired by Janine Stange's rendition of the National Anthem and inspiring words. Janine is best know for her historic journey to sing the Star Spangled Banner in all 50 states - in honor of our brave veterans and her mom. Douglas J. Greenlaw, National Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart also shared his experiences and words of inspiration.

Saturday, we were treated to an airshow at the beach and later that night, to service project Oscars (finalists and winners will be in our June newsletter) and the inner workings of ventroliquism, when comedian Steve Brogan and several of his characters entertained us. Then Steve transformed PDG Bob Hagan into a ventriloquist "dummy" that had us all laughing at his rendition of "I'm a Little Teapot." I understand the Roswell Club - in the true Roswell spirit of fun - serenaded Bob with that song in their hospitality suite later Saturday night.

I could relate many more stories of the FUN and energy we shared in Sandestin. And of the recognition of the good work we're all doing. Some of the story is included in this newsletter; more of the club awards will be shared in our June newsletter as we take a look back at the year.

Here's my ASK of all of you - whether you attended District Conference or not - let's carry that FUN and ENERGY all the way through to the end of this Rotary year. Keep doing great work to make a difference in your communities and the world. Be the inspiration for new Rotarians to enjoy us in our mission. And always remember, "Have fun and they will come ...."

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
May 6, 2019


Posted by Mary Ligon
Rotary Club of Dougherty County (Albany)
May 8, 2019 10:03am

It was fun!! You promised and delivered. :-)

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