Public Image
Are You on Track for 2018-19?

Public Image Citation

Is your club on track for the Zone 34 Public Image Citation? Clubs which complete four required activities and at least two additional activities by March 31, 2019 qualify for a Citation. Get more information at https://www.rizones33-34.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Zone34PICitation2018-19.pdf

Take a Social Media Checkup

  1. Are you on Facebook or Instagram?
  2. If your answer is Yes, have you liked and followed your Club’s accounts?Have you liked and followed District 6900’s accounts … Facebook: “RotaryD6900” page, and Instagram: @Rotary6900
  3. If your answer is still Yes, are you Liking and Sharing posts from your club and the District?If not, how else will your friends and family know about all the great things happening with your Club and the District?

If you have any questions about Public Image – or need assistance in any way – please contact one of the District’s Public Image Chairs, Kirk Driskell or Jaclyn Donovan.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
December 6, 2018


This Year’s Posts: