The Rotary Foundation
Swan Song

PDG Margie and Ron Kersey

PDG Margie and Ron Kersey

Congratulations! While, we aren’t done yet, we have achieved the highest giving year in the past five years! If I go back further, we have achieved the third highest giving year ever! And you still have a month left and at least 12 clubs haven’t sent in any money yet this year. This could be the best year ever. Please take a moment to send in your Foundation money.

Grants are moving along. All the District Grants for next year have been entered into the system and next year’s team is working on funding. Of course, we still have more Global Grants on the books than any other district in the world. That should make all of us hold our heads high. Thanks to all of you and your vision, we are making the world a better place for people who seriously need your help.

The Rotary Foundation and District 6900 is simply amazing. And I am extremely grateful that I have had this opportunity to serve.

When I was asked to serve as the District Rotary Foundation Chair a bit over three years ago, I was scared and excited. It is a big responsibility to serve all 70 of the clubs in this wonderful district; especially with all the incredible work being done. My biggest fear was that I would mess something up that would prevent you from doing the work you wanted to do. Luckily, there are some wonderful people on the Foundation team in our district. They are the ones that do the hard work of making sure all the paperwork is done and submitted. They are the ones that remind the rest of us of deadlines and opportunities. They are the real heroes. And I have been fortunate to work alongside them.

This is my final newsletter article as DRFC, so there are just a few things I want to say before I hand the reins over to the new team.

  • Please send your Foundation money in as soon as possible. Don’t wait until June 30! If you don’t know how to send in your money, email me at margie@callkbs.com or call me at 404-680-7336. I will make sure you have the right form and will coach you through completing it.
  • Thank you to my teammates! And if you run into any of them, please thank them for their work helping our clubs and this district:

o Anne Glenn, Dunwoody, Grants Chair, Global Grants Chair

o Mary Ligon, Dougherty County, District Grants

o Kathy Brandt, Dunwoody, Scholarships

o Wendy Jenkins, Muscogee, Peace Fellows

o Bob Hagan, Roswell, PolioPlus Chair, Zone PolioPlus Chair

o Bill Woulfin, Dunwoody, Major Gifts

o Gerry Bilbro, Griffin Daybreak,100% Paul Harris Clubs

o Will MacArthur, Sandy Springs, Treasurer, Alumni Chair

  • Keep submitting grants! Keep watching for opportunities to Do Good in the World. If not you, who? The world and Rotary needs you.
  • Congratulations and best of luck to PDG Cheryl Greenway of Roswell who will serve as the District Rotary Foundation Chair for the coming three years! I have worked with Cheryl on other projects and know that she has the potential to be an awesome DRFC.

My final thought and my final words to you as I wrap up: Thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for the great work you do around the world. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you.

Foundation Chair for the coming three years! I have worked with Cheryl on other projects and know that she has the potential to be an awesome DRFC.

My final thought and my final words to you as I wrap up: Thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for the great work you do around the world. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you.

Posted by Margie Kersey
June 5, 2019


This Year’s Posts: